Monday, March 31, 2008

God is Great!

It's been a while since I've blogged. There have been so many amazing things going on that it's hard to keep up with it all! God has been so faithful and good to Kelly and I! The blessings keep pouring in! We've had friends and cousins give birth to healthy babies, engagements, safety on trips, house/condo buying, and happiness in our lives.
I'm still loving Calgary and my job and being back in Canada. I just returned from visiting my friends in the Caymans. Once I got there it felt like I had never left, and it was awesome to see everyone again. I got to spend tons of time with my friends' new baby who is only 5 months old. He is super cute and it was the first time I'd spend so much time with a baby. Kel was hoping spending so much time with a baby would make me want one less, seeing how much work they are. However, it did just the opposite! It was so much fun to rock him to sleep, entertain him, take him for walks, and yes, even change his diaper. So we'll see!
Thanks for any and all prayers that have gone out regarding our Trinity family. The boy who was in the accident is back at school and doing well. The family who lost their mom is coping, and is well supported by our school with food, money, house-cleaning, and prayers.
So I get two weeks off for Easter - just like Christmas. The time off is awesome and so relaxing. I've been able to catch up on a lot of things but also take time to relax, read, take long baths, and play my Wii. If you don't have a Wii, you need to get one! It's so much fun and it can actually be a work-out. Boxing makes me sweat after one round, and one of our friends pulled his groin bowling, so you can't say video games are just for fingers anymore!
And the most exciting news of all that's happened lately - Kel and I bought a house!! It's in the process of being built, and through a series of meetings we've been able to pick out exterior colors, cabinets, lighting, flooring, paint colors, carpet, and appliances. It's supposed to be finished in late October, but I'll be satisfied if we can be moved in before we go on Christmas vacation. It is located just east of Spruce Meadows on the far south end of Calgary. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 and a half baths, 3 sitting rooms, 2 car garage, and it backs onto green space, which is an added bonus. So we'll have room for guests once we move in.
Well, that's it for now. Hope you are all well!