Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Time!

I am officially off for summer and enjoying every minute of it! I miss my coworkers, students, and parents of course, but who wouldn't like 2 months off? So I'm spending my time working out, scrapbooking, going for long walks, and cooking (or at least trying to!). I'm also trying some painting, but it's not going so hot - my paintings end up looking like an 8 year old could do them.

I went camping a couple weekends ago at Sylvan Lake with Kel and some friends. It was the first time either Kel or I had gone camping without our parents, so it proved to be a little difficult. Parents always remember all those little things that we might possibly forget, since we haven't had to remember them before. Things like a tarp (which we had to go buy right away because it poured for the first 2 hours we were there) and an air mattress for our friends. We went water tubing on the lake and got lots of sun (in between all the rain showers - that tarp came in really handy!).

I'm also enjoying all the babies that are coming along lately - I got to hold my cousins 2 week old baby named Aria (super beautiful - both name and baby!) this week. So precious! And our friends living in Malaysia finally had their little baby - another boy! 5 other friends have all had babies recently and they've all been boys, so boy overload! But they are all super adorable and amazing! God has been so good to our friends!

Some other fun news is that the date to move into our house has been moved up from October 28 to September 29 - WOOHOO! A whole month early - Shane Homes has been super good to us! We had a walk through last week and it was super exciting to see our new house, even if it wasn't finished. After spending at least 10 hours in meetings trying to get all the details figured out, it's finally all coming together!

Kelly's sister Kori is getting married in August, so that is also exciting! Kel and I are in the wedding, and we are so pumped for her! She's marrying a great guy who used to be a pastor, but is now giving plumbing a try. She's still teaching and they've bought a duplex together (but of course aren't living together in it until they are married!).

In March I got to go back to the Caymans to visit my friends that were still there and their little baby boy. I got to babysit all week, and it was great - that was the most I'd ever spent with a baby and I learned a lot - you will sing silly songs, change diapers, get poop under your fingernails, and make good use of a "pee-pee Teepee." But it was worth it - he is so cute! Almost all our friends are now leaving the island, so we won't be having any more trips down there. The good thing is they are mostly moving back to Canada, which means they'll be closer. Although with plane tickets so high, it'll probably cost the same amount to get to Toronto as it would to get to Cayman.

I also went for my first chiropractic appointment the other day, and wow can they crack your bones like crazy! But I feel a lot better, so it must be working. It's a little scary the first time you hear all your bones go pop! But if you have a little pain in your back or neck, go see a chiropractor - I'm amazed at how much they can tell about how your feeling just by touching your spine.
Well, that's all for now - I hope you're all enjoying your summer!