Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back At It!

Well, summer is officially over - it reached only 2 degrees last night, so fall is here. Even the leaves are changing, turning bright yellow and flittering to the ground ever so slowly, a speed that will soon pick up. The biggest change is, of course, the fact that I had to go back to work. However, I am one of the lucky people on this earth who actually enjoys their jobs. Seeing my coworkers again, students, and parents was exciting and rejuvenating. I work in such a positive, God-centered, and uplifting place that every day is a joy and I think everyone should work there and send their kids there. I have a super small class, only 14 sweethearts this year. I already feel very attached to them, even though it's only been 1 week.
We had a busy summer - I slept in 11 different beds in 3 weeks. Not recommended! We went from Calgary to Swift Current, then I made 2 seperate trips to Regina, once with my mom and sister and once with Kelly's family to a wedding. Then we went to Saskatoon and spent some time with friends we hadn't seen in over 3 years! It was so nice to catch up and play with their babies (which I am patiently waiting for myself!). We also spent 2 nights at Kel's brother's house, which was super cute (if I'm allowed to say that about a guy's house). Then it was on to Edmonton for Kori's wedding. A lot of travelling, but it was so nice to see family and friends again! And check out the picture - Kelly's actually holding a real live baby! He is slowly softening . . .

Kelly's sister is now officially Mrs. Getzinger. It was an absolutely gorgeous wedding. Kori looked perfect, and I had trouble not crying during the ceremony, so I don't know how the boys held it together. The ceremony was outside at a place called Hastings Lake Garden, that had more flowers on a piece of land than I have ever seen. The reception was in a hotel banquet room with huge chandeliers and the decorating people did a fantastic job with columns and ivy. Every detail was amazing and we are all so grateful to God that it was perfect.

The countdown is on to move into our house. 22 days and we will be living in an actual house, something neither Kel or I have lived in since we moved away to university. In the 3 years we have been married, we have lived in 5 different apartments, 2 very different countries, and said good-bye to many many close friends. We are very much looking forward to settling in for a long time in a house we planned every detail of, down to the grout between tiles, the color of baseboards, 4 different types of floor, cabinets, appliances, and what seems like a million other decisions. It's coming together, with mainly only the hardwood and appliances left to be put in. The hardest thing we've had to do is pick out our curtains, which is proving to be quite a dilemma.

Kel and I have decided to treat ourselves by going to a Seattle Seahawks game this year. We are super pumped. Kelly's parents and brother will be coming with us, and we'll be spending an entire weekend there, so we can explore the city and area as well. It'll be our first NFL game!

Hope you all had a great summer! God bless!