Sunday, October 19, 2008


The beautiful colors of fall always amaze me. The yellows, reds, oranges, and yes, a few greens still take my breath away every time I see them, which is usually after school because it is dark on the way to work in the mornings now. It's getting colder, but it's a good excuse to curl up with some hot chocolate and someone you love and read a book or watch a movie.

I was watching a World Vision video the other day about a girl and her family and tribe living in Africa. She would spend most of her day collecting firewood for cooking. The boys would spend most of every day walking to the river 2 miles away to collect water. Others would spend all day harvesting and making food out of mostly corn. They would eat the same thing for every meal. They would only use about 10 litres of water a day, where the average american home spends about 340 litres of water. Puts that in perspective. But anyways, what struck me was the fact that these people spend all day gathering what they need to survive day by day. They are happy people, singing as they work and spending a small amount of time every night together. Then there is me (and many others) who spend a lot of our time busy with things that really don't matter. We are so fixated on busying ourselves with meaningless things that we forget to realize how blessed we are and how our needs are met everyday without a thought. Hopefully I can start to live realizing how God has blessed me and will take care of all my needs.

Kel and I went to Seattle last weekend with his brother and parents. It was super fun - we got to go to the top of the Seattle tower and go to a Seahawks/Packers game. The game was so loud that I couldn't even hear myself yell. We also stood the whole game, which was really weird. Those fans are pretty crazy. We also went to Bainbridge Island by ferry and it was so beautiful to see the Seattle skyline from the water. We also got to see the Seattle underground, which was so interesting and we had an extremely funny guide. It's was so neat to see a whole city under the city that you were just walking on.

Well, I hope you are having a great fall, and Christmas is just around the corner if you are like me - I start celebrating and decorating and breaking out the Christmas songs on November 1st. It'll be here before you know it!