Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter Holiday

Well, my Easter break was fabulous! I had the whole week off, and spent most of it working out, sitting by the pool, swimming, and reading outside in the shade. I have to get as much of this stuff in as possible, as our countdown to leaving has been shortened. We are now planning on leaving at the beginning of July instead of the end, since we will need to buy a vehicle, find a place to live, and move all of our stuff up there, which could take a while!

Kelly's Aunt and Uncle are planning on joining us this Saturday for a week, which will be exciting. I'm starting to wish more people would have been able to come and visit, but the invitation is still open until the end of June! Kelly's family came down 3 times (except for Landon, who only came once!) and mine made it down once.

The lifestyle down here is very laidback - people ride their bikes as slow as people walk. In fact, it's so laidback that it takes a month to get your phone and internet hooked up! The main motto is, "If it can be done tomorrow, why do it today?" So if you want a relaxing vacation, this is the place to come. It is definitely different than our North American lifestyle, which I have actually come to enjoy very much. There is no rush to do things down here, most places aren't open on Sundays, and the biggest question I have to ask myself on the weekend is, "Beach or pool?" I know this will all change when I get back to Canada, but I'm looking forward to seeing family and friends again, as well as being able to go to a WAL-MART whenever I want!! I've only been to 2 since moving down here (since there isn't one here!). I also can't wait to eat McDonald's food again (fries and a McFlurry will make up most of my meals the first two weeks!).

So, needless to say, I am excited about moving back, especially near the mountains where we can go camping and hiking and skiing as often as I can convince Kelly to go. But I should get back to sitting by the pool and enjoying the beautiful weather, so so long for now!


Kerri said...

Hey chickie! I wish we could have come to visit too but the land of milk and honey (alberta) really isn't. Are you sure you want to attempt to find housing in Calgary?? You are nuts. But, I'm super happy to have you so close!

Ryan & Melanie said...

great to hear that you had a nice Easter holiday:) It is hard to believe that your time there is coming to a close, but what a great experience!


The Student said...
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The Student said...

Hi Fehrs. You better keep this up . . . we want to stay in contact . . . we will keep on posting . . . the Bloms

Kori said...

Hey, I finally just signed up for a google account so I could post on your blog- aren't you guys special! Well, I am very excited that you guys will be home in 2 months- so sweet. Maybe post some pics of what you guys have been up to lately. Do you have any diving pics from your underwater camera? Have a wonderful day- love you both lots!