Monday, June 11, 2007

Learning to Laugh

These last few weeks have been a blur of activity! School is winding down (only 6 days left!) and we had two graduation ceremonies for our graduating class of 40 (the largest the school has ever seen). We had a Baccalaureate (good-bye from the church) and a Graduation ceremony two nights in a row, not to mention I was sick during one of them, which made the 2 hour and 45 minute ceremony almost unbearable. But they went really well, and now the school is turning its eyes towards finding new students and new staff for the next year. The school desperately needs high school math and biology teachers, so if you know any Christian teachers that match the description, let them know the Cayman Islands might be the place for them to move next!

I've also been busy organizing a surprise baby shower for one of our pregnant friends. She isn't expecting until November, buy many of us will not be here when the baby is born, so we wanted to celebrate when we could all be together. Those of you who know me know it's hard for me to keep an exciting secret like a baby shower, but I did it! She had no idea, and was so shocked when she walked in to my house, expecting to come work out, and here there are a bunch of people, gifts, and decorations waiting for her. She had to wear an adult diaper and a soother and bottle around her neck. We also had name tags for everyone, and she was 'nipple,' so we enjoyed calling her that all afternoon. Plus, she is one of the hardest people I know to embarrass, but her face was definitely red while she was climbing into her huge diaper! We played some fun games like Baby Food Testing (you have to try different kinds of baby food and guess what they are), Dough-tionary (like pictionary but instead of drawing you make it out of play-doh), and Diaper Food Testing (edible food put into a diaper, and you need to taste it and guess what it is), and trust me, eating melted chocolate out of a diaper definitely warps you mind as to what you are eating! Also, try eating oatmeal, mustard, mushed carrots, crushed beans, and strawberry yogurt out of a diaper! It was very fun, and thank goodness I didn't have to do any of it!

Living down here and hanging out with our great friends has taught me a valuable lesson - laugh at yourself every chance you get. I used to sometimes get upset or really embarrassed when people would point out or laugh at the MANY stupid things I did, but since living here and having such good friends, I've been able to put aside my ego and laugh at the dumb things I do (which happen to be very numerous). For example, running through a parking lot at night and tripping over a speed-bump, which skinned my shoulder and gouged my toe open, had me laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes. Not to mention my friend had, just two nights earlier, stepped onto a moving treadmill and skinned her shoulder in the exact same spot as me. We had a great laugh looking at our matching patches of missing skin. So learn to laugh at yourself every chance you get and not take things so seriously - your life will be much happier!

1 comment:

Ryan & Melanie said...

Jen, this is a really nice post! Thanks for the reminder to laugh. Isn't it truly amazing that God allows us to have joy and laughter in this world?

Keep laughing, and blessings to you as you wrap everything up and move back to Canada!
