Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A New Paradise and New Prayer Needed!

Don't get me wrong - I loved living in the Caymans - beach, sun, sand, hot weather all year round, best friends - but there really is no place like our Canada!

I have the perfect job in a great city where you can go shopping at ten an night and actually find what you are looking for. A far cry from having to stock up on shampoo and conditioner and food and clothes in the two weeks you come home for Christmas every year because the stores down there only get stock in twice a year. Anyways, I do have the best job - my school is great, with awesome teachers, parents, and kids. This school is a rare find, so rare that I think I might push back having kids 5 more years just so I can work there!

However, our school is under some sprititual warfare - last weekend one of our colleagues was killed in a car accident. She has two little girls and a husband that need lots of prayer. Also, one of our middle school students was hit by a car yesterday and is in critical condition in the ICU. We are praying hard as a school, and would appreciate any outside prayer for these families.

Anyways, Kelly says his job is okay. He has to ride the C-Train for 35 minutes there and back everyday, so that can't be too fun. The only benefit to that is I finally have a vehicle! So if I need to go somewhere after school I can do that! It's been two years since I've had that kind of freedom, and it's pretty nice.

And I'm loving Calgary - having the mountains as a backdrop is awesome, and the skiing and hiking and camping options are wonderful. We live right on the south edge of the city, so a one minute drive and we're in the country. Doesn't feel like we live in a giant city of over a million people.

I can't believe I actually missed snow - I woke up today and there was tons of snow on the ground - and I got really excited . . . until it came time to brush the 4 inches of snow off my SUV.

Sorry for the long wait for a post - hope you are all well!

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