Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So woohoo! We are moved in, settled, and absolutely loving it! It is wonderful to have SPACE and to know we are going to be there for more than a year, which will be longer than we've lived in any one place in the last 4 years. Our outside is pretty much grey, and the inside is a variety of brown shades. Very brown. Brown floor, brown walls, brown cupboards, brown furniture, you get the point. However, they're different enough shades (I think) so it doesn't look overwhelmingly brown. Our house is not perfect (what ever is?) as we are still missing a few things here and there that we are still waiting for, a few things still need to be fixed, basement stairs to be painted, and other little things. But I couldn't ask for more - we are so BLESSED!
We are still trying to work out how we will "celebrate" Halloween. Kel is not a fan at all, and I like a few things like carving pumpkins and dressing cute kids up in cute costumes (of course we don't have kids yet, but I can dream while I wait). We did hand out candy, mainly as a way to meet some of our neighbors. But we must be on short supply of neighbors because we only got a dozen kids. Then some of our friends in other areas got over 100. I did manage to squeeze out a compromise - I could carve a pumpkin as long as it didn't have anything scary on it. So I carved a Green Bay Packers symbol with the #4 next to it on one side and FAVRE on the other. For all those who don't know, #4 on the old packers team was Brett Favre, Kel's favourite football player. Favre is now playing for the Jets, so we cheer for both teams. Not a pretty picture of me, but you're supposed to be looking at the beautiful pumpkin!

So I had so much fun decorating our house for Christmas! We had to buy everything new since we've never decorated in Canada before, so we went with blue. We had a 7.5 foot tree, a couple pointsettias, a wreath, and some other fun things that make our house Christmassy! I love Christmas and everything that goes with it. It's almost unbelievable to think that a lot of people don't know the real Christmas story, but I was watching a news story the other day and was shocked. The camera people had a nativity scence set up in a mall and as people walked by the cameraan would ask if the people knew the Christmas story or anything about the scene that had been set up. Most people that had been asked said they didn't know the story or what the scene represented. It made me quite sad. I guess I just assume people know that Christmas is a time for us to remember the gift God gave us in Jesus. It's been so fun teaching my kids at school about different things we use to celebrate Christmas, like the different meanings you can draw from the original white and red candy cane.

Did I mention I miss Christmas already?

The new year has brought a lot of change to our lives. Kelly has a new job! He's working at Samaritan's Purse (yes, the place that handles the shoeboxes) but they do a lot more than shoeboxes. He is loving it and it's so good to see him happy. He's already been to Charlotte, NC, to see how their operation runs there. Very fun!

We also bought a new car, a Subaru Legacy. I know, I'd never heard of it before either, but it has AWD (which is what Kelly insisted we get - but in the winter it is so worth it), a sunroof, does okay on gas, and has lots of fun new gadgets. But the best part of all - FREEDOM! It reminds me of Mel Gibson in Braveheart - as long as Kel and I have been married we have only had one vehicle. In the Cayman's we had one car - a Hyundai Accent. And up until last week we only had one vehicle. Now I can actually have my own schedule! It's awesome!

So basically I love my life - God has truly blessed me in so many ways: a great husband, a perfect job, close friends and family, a house with enough room for kids (when they come!), 2 vehicles, health (most of the time!), and so much more I could go on forever! I just hope that when we hit bumps in the road, since they are bound to happen, I remember all the blessings in my life and keep a joyful spirit.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


The beautiful colors of fall always amaze me. The yellows, reds, oranges, and yes, a few greens still take my breath away every time I see them, which is usually after school because it is dark on the way to work in the mornings now. It's getting colder, but it's a good excuse to curl up with some hot chocolate and someone you love and read a book or watch a movie.

I was watching a World Vision video the other day about a girl and her family and tribe living in Africa. She would spend most of her day collecting firewood for cooking. The boys would spend most of every day walking to the river 2 miles away to collect water. Others would spend all day harvesting and making food out of mostly corn. They would eat the same thing for every meal. They would only use about 10 litres of water a day, where the average american home spends about 340 litres of water. Puts that in perspective. But anyways, what struck me was the fact that these people spend all day gathering what they need to survive day by day. They are happy people, singing as they work and spending a small amount of time every night together. Then there is me (and many others) who spend a lot of our time busy with things that really don't matter. We are so fixated on busying ourselves with meaningless things that we forget to realize how blessed we are and how our needs are met everyday without a thought. Hopefully I can start to live realizing how God has blessed me and will take care of all my needs.

Kel and I went to Seattle last weekend with his brother and parents. It was super fun - we got to go to the top of the Seattle tower and go to a Seahawks/Packers game. The game was so loud that I couldn't even hear myself yell. We also stood the whole game, which was really weird. Those fans are pretty crazy. We also went to Bainbridge Island by ferry and it was so beautiful to see the Seattle skyline from the water. We also got to see the Seattle underground, which was so interesting and we had an extremely funny guide. It's was so neat to see a whole city under the city that you were just walking on.

Well, I hope you are having a great fall, and Christmas is just around the corner if you are like me - I start celebrating and decorating and breaking out the Christmas songs on November 1st. It'll be here before you know it!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back At It!

Well, summer is officially over - it reached only 2 degrees last night, so fall is here. Even the leaves are changing, turning bright yellow and flittering to the ground ever so slowly, a speed that will soon pick up. The biggest change is, of course, the fact that I had to go back to work. However, I am one of the lucky people on this earth who actually enjoys their jobs. Seeing my coworkers again, students, and parents was exciting and rejuvenating. I work in such a positive, God-centered, and uplifting place that every day is a joy and I think everyone should work there and send their kids there. I have a super small class, only 14 sweethearts this year. I already feel very attached to them, even though it's only been 1 week.
We had a busy summer - I slept in 11 different beds in 3 weeks. Not recommended! We went from Calgary to Swift Current, then I made 2 seperate trips to Regina, once with my mom and sister and once with Kelly's family to a wedding. Then we went to Saskatoon and spent some time with friends we hadn't seen in over 3 years! It was so nice to catch up and play with their babies (which I am patiently waiting for myself!). We also spent 2 nights at Kel's brother's house, which was super cute (if I'm allowed to say that about a guy's house). Then it was on to Edmonton for Kori's wedding. A lot of travelling, but it was so nice to see family and friends again! And check out the picture - Kelly's actually holding a real live baby! He is slowly softening . . .

Kelly's sister is now officially Mrs. Getzinger. It was an absolutely gorgeous wedding. Kori looked perfect, and I had trouble not crying during the ceremony, so I don't know how the boys held it together. The ceremony was outside at a place called Hastings Lake Garden, that had more flowers on a piece of land than I have ever seen. The reception was in a hotel banquet room with huge chandeliers and the decorating people did a fantastic job with columns and ivy. Every detail was amazing and we are all so grateful to God that it was perfect.

The countdown is on to move into our house. 22 days and we will be living in an actual house, something neither Kel or I have lived in since we moved away to university. In the 3 years we have been married, we have lived in 5 different apartments, 2 very different countries, and said good-bye to many many close friends. We are very much looking forward to settling in for a long time in a house we planned every detail of, down to the grout between tiles, the color of baseboards, 4 different types of floor, cabinets, appliances, and what seems like a million other decisions. It's coming together, with mainly only the hardwood and appliances left to be put in. The hardest thing we've had to do is pick out our curtains, which is proving to be quite a dilemma.

Kel and I have decided to treat ourselves by going to a Seattle Seahawks game this year. We are super pumped. Kelly's parents and brother will be coming with us, and we'll be spending an entire weekend there, so we can explore the city and area as well. It'll be our first NFL game!

Hope you all had a great summer! God bless!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Time!

I am officially off for summer and enjoying every minute of it! I miss my coworkers, students, and parents of course, but who wouldn't like 2 months off? So I'm spending my time working out, scrapbooking, going for long walks, and cooking (or at least trying to!). I'm also trying some painting, but it's not going so hot - my paintings end up looking like an 8 year old could do them.

I went camping a couple weekends ago at Sylvan Lake with Kel and some friends. It was the first time either Kel or I had gone camping without our parents, so it proved to be a little difficult. Parents always remember all those little things that we might possibly forget, since we haven't had to remember them before. Things like a tarp (which we had to go buy right away because it poured for the first 2 hours we were there) and an air mattress for our friends. We went water tubing on the lake and got lots of sun (in between all the rain showers - that tarp came in really handy!).

I'm also enjoying all the babies that are coming along lately - I got to hold my cousins 2 week old baby named Aria (super beautiful - both name and baby!) this week. So precious! And our friends living in Malaysia finally had their little baby - another boy! 5 other friends have all had babies recently and they've all been boys, so boy overload! But they are all super adorable and amazing! God has been so good to our friends!

Some other fun news is that the date to move into our house has been moved up from October 28 to September 29 - WOOHOO! A whole month early - Shane Homes has been super good to us! We had a walk through last week and it was super exciting to see our new house, even if it wasn't finished. After spending at least 10 hours in meetings trying to get all the details figured out, it's finally all coming together!

Kelly's sister Kori is getting married in August, so that is also exciting! Kel and I are in the wedding, and we are so pumped for her! She's marrying a great guy who used to be a pastor, but is now giving plumbing a try. She's still teaching and they've bought a duplex together (but of course aren't living together in it until they are married!).

In March I got to go back to the Caymans to visit my friends that were still there and their little baby boy. I got to babysit all week, and it was great - that was the most I'd ever spent with a baby and I learned a lot - you will sing silly songs, change diapers, get poop under your fingernails, and make good use of a "pee-pee Teepee." But it was worth it - he is so cute! Almost all our friends are now leaving the island, so we won't be having any more trips down there. The good thing is they are mostly moving back to Canada, which means they'll be closer. Although with plane tickets so high, it'll probably cost the same amount to get to Toronto as it would to get to Cayman.

I also went for my first chiropractic appointment the other day, and wow can they crack your bones like crazy! But I feel a lot better, so it must be working. It's a little scary the first time you hear all your bones go pop! But if you have a little pain in your back or neck, go see a chiropractor - I'm amazed at how much they can tell about how your feeling just by touching your spine.
Well, that's all for now - I hope you're all enjoying your summer!

Monday, March 31, 2008

God is Great!

It's been a while since I've blogged. There have been so many amazing things going on that it's hard to keep up with it all! God has been so faithful and good to Kelly and I! The blessings keep pouring in! We've had friends and cousins give birth to healthy babies, engagements, safety on trips, house/condo buying, and happiness in our lives.
I'm still loving Calgary and my job and being back in Canada. I just returned from visiting my friends in the Caymans. Once I got there it felt like I had never left, and it was awesome to see everyone again. I got to spend tons of time with my friends' new baby who is only 5 months old. He is super cute and it was the first time I'd spend so much time with a baby. Kel was hoping spending so much time with a baby would make me want one less, seeing how much work they are. However, it did just the opposite! It was so much fun to rock him to sleep, entertain him, take him for walks, and yes, even change his diaper. So we'll see!
Thanks for any and all prayers that have gone out regarding our Trinity family. The boy who was in the accident is back at school and doing well. The family who lost their mom is coping, and is well supported by our school with food, money, house-cleaning, and prayers.
So I get two weeks off for Easter - just like Christmas. The time off is awesome and so relaxing. I've been able to catch up on a lot of things but also take time to relax, read, take long baths, and play my Wii. If you don't have a Wii, you need to get one! It's so much fun and it can actually be a work-out. Boxing makes me sweat after one round, and one of our friends pulled his groin bowling, so you can't say video games are just for fingers anymore!
And the most exciting news of all that's happened lately - Kel and I bought a house!! It's in the process of being built, and through a series of meetings we've been able to pick out exterior colors, cabinets, lighting, flooring, paint colors, carpet, and appliances. It's supposed to be finished in late October, but I'll be satisfied if we can be moved in before we go on Christmas vacation. It is located just east of Spruce Meadows on the far south end of Calgary. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 and a half baths, 3 sitting rooms, 2 car garage, and it backs onto green space, which is an added bonus. So we'll have room for guests once we move in.
Well, that's it for now. Hope you are all well!