Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So woohoo! We are moved in, settled, and absolutely loving it! It is wonderful to have SPACE and to know we are going to be there for more than a year, which will be longer than we've lived in any one place in the last 4 years. Our outside is pretty much grey, and the inside is a variety of brown shades. Very brown. Brown floor, brown walls, brown cupboards, brown furniture, you get the point. However, they're different enough shades (I think) so it doesn't look overwhelmingly brown. Our house is not perfect (what ever is?) as we are still missing a few things here and there that we are still waiting for, a few things still need to be fixed, basement stairs to be painted, and other little things. But I couldn't ask for more - we are so BLESSED!
We are still trying to work out how we will "celebrate" Halloween. Kel is not a fan at all, and I like a few things like carving pumpkins and dressing cute kids up in cute costumes (of course we don't have kids yet, but I can dream while I wait). We did hand out candy, mainly as a way to meet some of our neighbors. But we must be on short supply of neighbors because we only got a dozen kids. Then some of our friends in other areas got over 100. I did manage to squeeze out a compromise - I could carve a pumpkin as long as it didn't have anything scary on it. So I carved a Green Bay Packers symbol with the #4 next to it on one side and FAVRE on the other. For all those who don't know, #4 on the old packers team was Brett Favre, Kel's favourite football player. Favre is now playing for the Jets, so we cheer for both teams. Not a pretty picture of me, but you're supposed to be looking at the beautiful pumpkin!

So I had so much fun decorating our house for Christmas! We had to buy everything new since we've never decorated in Canada before, so we went with blue. We had a 7.5 foot tree, a couple pointsettias, a wreath, and some other fun things that make our house Christmassy! I love Christmas and everything that goes with it. It's almost unbelievable to think that a lot of people don't know the real Christmas story, but I was watching a news story the other day and was shocked. The camera people had a nativity scence set up in a mall and as people walked by the cameraan would ask if the people knew the Christmas story or anything about the scene that had been set up. Most people that had been asked said they didn't know the story or what the scene represented. It made me quite sad. I guess I just assume people know that Christmas is a time for us to remember the gift God gave us in Jesus. It's been so fun teaching my kids at school about different things we use to celebrate Christmas, like the different meanings you can draw from the original white and red candy cane.

Did I mention I miss Christmas already?

The new year has brought a lot of change to our lives. Kelly has a new job! He's working at Samaritan's Purse (yes, the place that handles the shoeboxes) but they do a lot more than shoeboxes. He is loving it and it's so good to see him happy. He's already been to Charlotte, NC, to see how their operation runs there. Very fun!

We also bought a new car, a Subaru Legacy. I know, I'd never heard of it before either, but it has AWD (which is what Kelly insisted we get - but in the winter it is so worth it), a sunroof, does okay on gas, and has lots of fun new gadgets. But the best part of all - FREEDOM! It reminds me of Mel Gibson in Braveheart - as long as Kel and I have been married we have only had one vehicle. In the Cayman's we had one car - a Hyundai Accent. And up until last week we only had one vehicle. Now I can actually have my own schedule! It's awesome!

So basically I love my life - God has truly blessed me in so many ways: a great husband, a perfect job, close friends and family, a house with enough room for kids (when they come!), 2 vehicles, health (most of the time!), and so much more I could go on forever! I just hope that when we hit bumps in the road, since they are bound to happen, I remember all the blessings in my life and keep a joyful spirit.

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